ACATIIMI 4/13 tulosta | sulje ikkuna

Acatiimi Is 15 Years Old — and In English!

Finnish universities are becoming more international. Consequently, an increasing amount of members in the publisher unions of Acatiimi cannot understand too much of their usually Finnish-language members’ magazine. This is why we decided to celebrate this 15th anniversary with an issue that is for the most part in English. In 2000, we published a number with approximately half of the contributions in English, so it has been a while. During the past decade and half, we have featured columns and a couple of isolated articles in this contemporary ‘lingua franca’.

The publisher unions of Acatiimi — the Finnish Union of University Professors, the Finnish Union of University Researchers and Teachers and The Union for University Teachers and Researchers in Finland (YLL) — are trade unions belonging to Akava, the Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland. Each union manages the supervision of the interests of its members independently. This magazine contains short introductions to each union. In the three feature stories, university employees from different universities and career stages relate their experiences of Finland and Finnish universities. Not everyone is terrified by the cold and dark winter — some people may actually consider it as an incentive to come here.

The magazine also includes a list of links that are useful for academics from abroad. Additional information can be obtained on the unions’ web pages. The editorial staff will be glad to receive feedback on what kind of content would be desirable in the internationally aimed issues of the future. We intend to place increasing emphasis on communication in English.

Kirsti Sintonen
Editor in chief

  • Painetussa lehdessä sivu 13

ACATIIMI 4/13 tulosta | sulje ikkuna